Ellen Sirleaf says Liberia’s democracy under assault

Monrovia, 8 November 2017 – The President of Liberia, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, said in a nation address that the Liberian democracy is under assault by political actors in the country during this electoral season.

   “At this moment our democracy is under assault. Our country reputation is under assault. Our economy is under stress.” Ellen Johnson Sirleaf said.

   The electoral process underway is at the moment at a standstill as one of the loser during the first round has halted the runoff through the Supreme Court.

   Charles Brumskine of the Liberty party filed a writ of prohibition which was sustained by the higher court. The Supreme Court asked the NEC to exhaust the Liberty party’s case before holding the runoff, but Brumskine says he does not have confidence in the NEC.

   For the Liberian leader, every must try to respect the rule of law and allow the electoral process to continue.

   “We must continue to respect each other, the rule of law, human kindness and decency. Allegations, hate speech, and backward language have been defining what should be a proud moment in our history. I am glad that all political parties have agreed consistently and publicly to adhere to the provision provided under our law. These provisions include right to challenge through an established and orderly process, the voting and electoral arrangement that have been put in place.” The president said.

   Ellen Sirleaf believes that Liberia’s democratic institutions are strong and they can be strengthened more if Liberians display maturity.

   “Liberia’s long democratic institutions are strong, they will stand this challenge. They will stand the toughest time. We can strengthen them by demonstrating maturity, and not abuse our positions, or misuse the platforms that have been available to the country through news media, and new technology. We politicians must do better. Historians will look back at this time and judge us, how we conduct ourselves, at this critical moment in time. We cannot fail them. We cannot damage our future.” She said.

Nov 8 2017 - 12:15